In this episode of Suburban Spotlight, Christy Olaf welcomes Caleb Salazar from the Salazar Group at Movement Mortgage. Caleb, a loan officer based in Charlotte, North Carolina, brings a refreshing perspective to the industry, fueled by his love for community, people, and a unique company culture at Movement Mortgage.

More Than Just Mortgages: A Culture of Community and Coaching

Movement Mortgage stands out for its core values, prioritizing God, community, and valuing people. This sets them apart, especially during challenging market conditions. Caleb emphasizes the “big into coaching” culture, driven by executives who were formerly athletes. This focus on mentorship and support has been instrumental in his own growth as a loan officer.

Building Trust, One Referral at a Time

Caleb believes in the power of building genuine relationships and earning trust with his clients. He’s not afraid to ask for business or go the extra mile to serve, focusing on referrals as his primary growth strategy. He credits the town of Saita with playing a crucial role by providing access to valuable USDA programs and fostering connections within the engineering industry.

Connecting Through Social Media and Giving Back to the Community

For those looking to connect with Caleb, you can find him on Instagram at seore_sees_sals and on YouTube, where he shares insights beyond just the mortgage industry. He also expresses his appreciation for Movement Mortgage’s commitment to giving back. From partnering with real estate agents to track community donations to building schools in underserved areas, the company truly prioritizes making a positive impact.

Open to Feedback and Embracing Growth

Understanding the importance of both positive and negative feedback, Caleb welcomes every interaction as an opportunity to learn and improve. He encourages this growth mindset, particularly for young professionals, believing it’s essential for adapting and excelling in the world of mortgages.

Spotlight Closing Thoughts

Christy Olaf wraps up the episode by thanking Caleb Salazar and the town of Saita for their role in this Suburban Spotlight. This insightful conversation highlights the power of community, coaching, and genuine connection in achieving success in the real estate and mortgage industry. Be sure to tune in for the next episode and discover more inspiring stories from the suburbs!