What to Avoid When Closing on a Home? – Suburban Snack 102

Hello everybody, welcome back to Suburban Snacks. I’m Cristy Olof and this month’s snack is HOT TAMALES. Before we review the snack, we will be informing you on what to avoid when closing on a home. Purchasing a home is an exciting purchase! However, when closing on the home to purchase there are some things you WANT to avoid. Avoiding these things can ensure a smooth and positive closing. The first thing to avoid is opening a new line of credit. This can botch your debt to income ratio if the new line of credit is used as well as create a hard inquiry on your credit score which may impact your score.

Next thing to avoid is making large purchases like purchasing a car or furniture for your new home. The third thing to avoid is changing jobs within the home buying process. This can hinder the chance of getting a loan for the home from the lender. Lastly, when closing on a home you should be attentive to your closing schedule and do not miss out on any payments on your current lines of credit/home. Avoiding all of these things will help make your home buying experience positive and ensure a smooth closing. So if you are someone looking to purchase or sell a home in Southern Arizona, then we at Suburban would love to help! Now it’s time for the snack review.

Do you like HOT TAMALES? Let us know in the comments below. That’s going to do it for us here at Suburban Snacks. If you have any questions or would like to get into contact with us feel free to check out our website at suburbanrealestategroup.com. Thanks for watching, my name is Cristy Olof and we will see you in the next one.